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Fascinating fact... really?

Writer's picture: frankjarvie2frankjarvie2

Today I saw this image on Facebook, and I just had to respond. Whenever I see something like this, I have just one question... Where are the "facts" you claim exists to support this meme? And so I replied with the following. "So facts are usually supported by evidence… where’s the evidence for this meme?

Or are you just one more person who believes they can speak for God?

I’m not trying to be sarcastic… but when someone tells me “this is a fact”, I want to see the evidence that makes it a fact". The original poster didn't respond, but a woman did. I won't use her name, and I blocked her, because she is a prime example of what I meant when I posted on Facebook that whenever someone professes a belief in God, or in prayer, they're immediately subjected to verbal insults by an atheist... something I call cyber bullying. And this woman did just that in response to what I had to say about this meme. Here is her comment... • As far as I can make out, living in a god believing majority of a society this sky-daddy seems to maintain some considerable reality affecting sway.

I mean, realistically, even the Batman and Wolverine unintentionally have some minimal affect on my life, and here they are with focused intention, the god-people seem to have an even greater claim to my daily reality by sheer effort of will through their own designs.

(“Abortion Rights”, is in my opinion an effective example). I found it interesting that while I was trying to have an intelligent discussion, she responded by saying that even Batman and Wolverine have (some minimal) affect on her life, and goes on to say that "the god-people" have an even greater claim" to her daily reality, "by sheer effort of will". I'm aware that she was referring to the overturning of Roe, and I certainly understand how she feels an undue force of the will by what she's calls "god-people", and I fully appreciate why this would make her angry, but for me, it doesn't excuse her obvious slap in the face to people of faith. I commented something to the effect that there is a body of evidence that supports the idea of a God, and that if anyone wasn't afraid of long held beliefs being challenged, they might look at some of the same evidence I did, and who knows, maybe they'd come away with a different outlook. This gal responded with the following:

Umm, yeah Frank, the things you’re talking about, all the legwork has already been done, and all the probabilities thoroughly evaluated.

Unless you’re willing to look just as deeply into why the Batman is real, and why the Wolverine is %100 alive and well today, I’d just assume your personal favourite superhero is probably not even in the running for most likely to be a good friend, or greatest unsolved mystery now secretly solved. [LOL]

You make the same logical error as any other person with the absolute BEST Spaghetti Sauce recipe in the world, you think everybody else in the world needs a better Spaghetti Sauce, because in your tiny little circle of thinking no one can possibly live a fulfilling life without considering the most excellent ingredients in yours! 😂

Some people just like rice. 🤷‍♂️ Some people don’t like either.

Hear this, if you can: I don’t think about god just like you don’t think about Batman. Evidence for Batman has about as much value to you as some delusional nutcase with anthropomorphic apophenia has to me.

Get it? Your sky-daddy is not at home. ❤️ So this woman validated my original statement about atheists being quick to jump all over anyone displaying a belief in God, or prayer, and in the process, was simply unable to prevent herself from insulting me at every opportunity, which honestly, just proved to me that her ignorance knows no bounds, and that she would be the last person in the world to investigate her long held beliefs, because as she points out with her Spaghetti reference, she believes she has the answer to the question of the existence of God, and nobody, especially me, with my "tiny little circle of thinking" is going to tell her otherwise. Not unless I do some serious research into Batman and Wolverine. Wow! So, having had enough of this particular atheist, I posted my final response to her, then gave her enough time to see my response before I blocked her. I've had conversations with others who said they were atheist, and those conversations were civil. I didn't call them out for their non-beliefs and they didn't call me out for my beliefs. But this woman, well, her suggestion that I have this tiny circle of thinking just could not go without a response, which follows... Great response… that is if your intention was to look the fool. No, I have no intention of looking deeply into Batman, and you obviously have no intention of looking any deeper into whether or not God is real, or fiction. As for my logical error, if I were you, I wouldn’t be arguing logic, since logical thinking seems to be fully out of your grasp.

Your comment is both ignorant, and insulting, and that heart ❤️ at the end of your comment after insulting me, means nothing. There was no love at all in your comment... only one insult after another. I’m done with you, I am way too old to deal with your ignorance. So once again, I want to make one thing very clear. I have no problem with those who do not believe in God or in the power of prayer. What they believe or do not believe doesn't effect me. What I do have a problem with is when an atheist, such as this one, so readily insults anyone who does believe in God, or who might say "I'll pray for you." The only time I'm disturbed by someone who claims to believe in God is when they use their belief to spread hate, which we've all seen, especially with the advent of Donald Trump, which if I believed God made mistakes... Trump would be one of them.

UPDATE: This woman, in spite of the fact that I said I was done with her, kept coming back, with more insult, often by innuendo, and my mistake was in responding to her ugly comments. Her last comment was to tell me to “fuck off”, and so that being a step too far, I decided that the only way to deal with her was to block her. Before I did, I took a look at her Facebook page where she posted something to the effect that before sending her a friend request, just know that she might offend you. Well, she worked her magic, and yes… she offended me. I try very hard to be patient and polite when dealing with anyone who disagrees with something I write, but I’m only human, there is a limit to my patience, and this woman reached that limit. The reason I block anyone on Facebook is because they broke my only rule, and that is that when they disagree with something I might put out there, they do it with respect, and when they do not, well, I’m too old to put up with that nonsense.


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