This section is devoted to just about anything that will bring a smile, warm the heart, educate and inspire. We live in a world of constant challenges... from nature, as well as from those men and women who lead the world's nations, cities, and villages. These challenges can be overwhelming, and bring about distress to so many, and so, with that in mind, what I hope will be the effect of what I post here is to lift spirits... one person at a time, because whether one believes it or not, we are all connected... we are all one huge family, and each and every one of us matter.
So while some might believe that this section will be all about religion... know that this is not the case. This section will include just about anything that could fall into the category "Inspirational", whether it be words of encouragement, stories that tug at the heart, or things that make you laugh. And as with the rest of the blog, you can comment on any of the stories you see here, just be sure that you're subscribed. There's no cost for subscribing, but if you want to help me with the costs incurred in setting up and maintaining the blog, you can do that on my Patreon page... the link is below. Any donation, large of small will be greatly appreciated.