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Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I have an opinion on just about anything, and they wouldn't be lying... I do. Choose from the "Topics" menu above choose "Opinions" or just click on any of the stories below. This space is where I'll respond to important issues and my thoughts about them.
Rogues' Gallery
As anyone whose been paying attention knows, our country is under attack from within. The fascists forces, at the behest of Donald Trump, have been doing all they can to turn our country into a Banana Republic, run by men and women who claim they love the Constitution, when in fact, their actions say this is not so.
Every day we hear about one of this traitors and their latest efforts to delay, disrupt, prevent or destroy anything that would be good for the American public, and it is my intention to shine a bright light on every one of them, until, like the picture to the right, they're the ones peering out from behind those steel bars.

Here you will find a variety of posts that inspire, warm or touch the heart.

Here you will find all things related to Science and/or Space

Mixed Bag
Here you will find a variety of topics that just don't fit into any other category. Enjoy!

Don't forget to laugh today. Laughter is good for the soul, and for the body.

Life after Life
Here you will find posts delving into the subject of life after death, reincarnation or the supernatural.