Do you believe in ghosts? UFO's? Aliens? Well, I do. When I was younger, I had a recurring dream in which I looked up and saw the sky filled with the typical, flying saucer shaped UFO's as far as I could see. Now I've had dreams that have come true, and so I always pay attention to my dreams, but in the case of UFO's, I no longer have to rely on my dreams to tell me whether of not they exist, because one evening a few years back I saw a UFO myself. I was watching Cops that night when I heard a noise from outside, and I went to my office window to see what it was. There had been a truck, one of those trucks that had a row of amber lights on top of the cab... a truck that wasn't a tow truck, but looked like one, and every evening, right at about the time the show Cops came on, this truck would enter my small community with the radio blasting so loud that it shook my walls.
So on that evening, when I heard that noise I believed to be that truck, because I had been wanting to get the license plate of the truck so that I could register a complaint with the Sherriff's office, I went to the window to see if it was that truck, but when I looked out of the window, what I saw was something I'd been waiting to see for most of my life. A flying saucer shaped UFO, just over the other side of the highway. Immediately I ran, like a bat out of hell to the front door, to get a better view from my front porch, but from the porch, I didn't see the saucer shaped UFO, what I saw was a ball of light. The light appeared to be the same size as the moon appears in the night sky. It just hovered for a while, and then slowly, it descended behind the hills. At first, I was baffled. Had I really seen a UFO, and what was that light all about? Well, I later learned that it's not uncommon for UFO's to change shape, and I've seen many reports where others saw a UFO, they said that the UFO changed from a saucer to a ball of light. Initially, I had believed that the solar screen in had on my office window, meant to block out the hot summer sun had blocked that ball of light, thus giving me full view of the disc shape of the UFO, but now I realize that just wasn't the case... that what I saw was, in fact, not an untypical UFO sighting.
So the purpose of this post isn't so much to tell you about my own UFO experience, but rather to tell you about a series I found on the History channel. It started on Netflix actually. Netflix had one season of the show, titled The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, and the show deals with a group of men performing scientific experiments on the ranch to determine, if they could, just what was behind all the strange happenings and sightings at Skinwalker ranch. After finishing the first season, I wanted more, and that's when I discovered two more seasons on the History channel, and so far, I've watched just the first and second season. The third season isn't available (to me) right now, but for those who have cable or satellite television service, the third season might be available to you, and if it is, I highly suggest that even if you have only a passing interest in the subject, you must watch this series. If you are of the mind that the supernatural is only in the minds of people like me... this series, I'm firmly convinced, will change your mind. Check it out, and let me say that for those who are able to watch the third season... I'm totally jealous, because the only way I'll be able to watch it is when the History channel unlocks it for folks like me who are streaming it with the History channel app. So if you decide to watch the series, or if you already have, I hope you'll share your impressions here in the comments, because this is one of those subjects that have got my attention, lock, stock and barrel. 🙏