Do you believe in reincarnation? I do. I've been hearing stories about people dying and coming back since I was just a young man. The first story I heard about someone being reincarnated was about a woman named Bridey Murphy. A woman named Virginia Tighe claimed to be Bridey Murphy in a past life. When I was a young man, this was the only story I had heard of regarding reincarnation, other than the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. In the 1960's, the story of Bridey Murphy was on the mind of most people who were interested in such matters. I cannot recall for certain, but if memory serves me right, Virginia Tighe's claim that she was the reincarnation of a 19th century Irish housewife was never validated, and in fact, Virginia Tighe herself didn't believe that she was the reincarnation of Bridey Murphy. Virginia, a Colorado housewife was hypnotized at a party in 1952 by Morey Bernstein. During the session, he told Virginia "I want you to keep going back, back through space and time", and he asked her what she saw. Tighe responded with a thick Irish brogue. She said that she was born in 1798, and that she was the daughter of a Cork barrister. She told of her complicated Irish lineage, related some Irish folklore, and the name and locations of some shops in Cork, and she spoke a bit of Gaelic. Her story was published in a book, The Search for Bridey Murphy, that I believe became a best seller. I first heard about the story while visiting one of my sister's, whose husband had a deep interest in anything considered out of the ordinary, such as UFO's, hypnotism, and of course, reincarnation. So while Virginia Tighe's story was met with skepticism, today, with the advent of social media, and YouTube, anyone interested in the subject has a wealth of information to call on in the form of YouTube videos. In addition, there are several authors of books on the subject, where they relate the stories of children all over the world, claiming to recall past lives, and unlike the story of Bridey Murphy, many of the claims of past lives made by Children have been verified, and this video is about some of those children. The most prominent story of reincarnation is the one of the Dali Lama, the spiritual leader of the Gelug, the school of Indian Buddhism. When the previous Dali Lama passed on, the search for the new Dali Lama commenced, and when they found the current Dali Lama, at the time a young boy, they laid before the boy various possessions of the previous Dali Lama, and the boy immediately claimed that those items were his. In any event, whether you believe in reincarnation or not, it is still a fascinating subject, and I would remind you, dear reader, that just because you do not believe in something does not make it not so. I would remind skeptics that in the annals of time, it wasn't all that long ago that the earth was considered to be flat, that the the earth was the center of the Universe, and even today, in spite of pretty convincing evidence to the contrary, there are those who still believe the earth to be flat. So whether you believe or not, if you watch the video, maybe it will change your mind. The fact is that for most humans, the greatest fear is the fear of death, and if that's something you fear, perhaps this video will give you some hope, and lead you to doing your own research into what happens when we die. There are several books that I know of on the subject, and for those who may be new to the subject, I would suggest what I consider to be one of the best ever written on the subject, Dr. Raymond Moody's book, Life After Life. 🙏
Reincarnation, fact or fiction
Updated: Jul 27, 2022