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Alex Jones' depravity...

Writer's picture: frankjarvie2frankjarvie2

Alex Jones was in a Texas courtroom today, and his depraved behavior was on full view for the world to see. Since 2012, Jones has been peddling the story that the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre weren't real, and that it never happened, that 6-year-old Jesse Lewis was a child actor and that his dad, Neil Heslin, never held his son's bullet-ridden body in his arms, and he did it all for money. What a scumbag. What a horrible, soulless man Jones is.

Jesse's mother took the stand, and spoke directly to Jones, and while she was speaking the truth, Jones kept shaking his head, indicating that what she was saying wasn't true. When Jones took the stand, apparently he kept coughing while giving testimony, and after the court session, which was the last scheduled day of testimony, Scarlett Lewis offered Jones a bottle of water, showing compassion for a man who deserves none. Apparently when Jesse's parent testified, Jones wasn't in the courtroom, and during a recess for lunch, Jones took to the airways and railed against Jessie's father, Neil Heslin, who testified that because of Jones' lies about the massacre that took his son, his life has been threatened. He said "I fear for my life, I fear for my safety." Jones was on the stand after the lunch recess. He was initially combative with the judge who prompted him to answer his own attorney's questions, and testified that he had "long wanted to apologize", saying "I never intentionally tried to hurt you. I never said your name until this came to court." He said "The internet had questions. I had questions.", as if that excused his lies, and the heartache that it's brought to all of the Sandy Hook parents. After the court adjourned, Jones shook the hands of Jessie's mom and dad, and they showed phenomenal grace, considering the trauma Jones' claims have caused them. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been for them to shake Jones' hand, or just how arrogant, insincere and self-serving it was of Jones to extend a hand to the parents he defamed, never once giving a thought to the pain they endured losing their precious son. Not for a second do I believe that Jones is sorry for the irreparable harm he's caused Lewis and Heslin... he's only sorry that he's being sued for 150 million dollars, and to top it off, Jones is apparently moving money around, and seeking bankruptcy in an effort to avoid paying Jesse Lewis' parents any money.

Jesse's father told The Associated Press that during the massacre, the gunman's gun jammed... he had trouble reloading, Jesse knew that and yelled for his classmates to run, and they did. He said that nine of them are alive today because of Jesse's actions.. Jesse died a hero, he said, and he certainly was. That little six-year-old child will always be a hero, and Jones... well, he'll always be a complete zero. A man without a conscience, without a soul. There is something wrong with the United States when men like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and so many just like them... men without an ounce of morality, completely bereft of compassion... men whose only God is the Almighty dollar, and while so many in this country don't know where their next meal is coming from, these horrible little men live in the lap of luxury. Well, hopefully, Jones' efforts to hide his money will not be successful, and Jesse's parents will get to see Jones completely broke... destitute. That would be justice served. 🙏



Aug 03, 2022

As far as I'm concerned, Jones should lose everything and live the rest of his life a pauper. He should have been made to look at the pictures of those children that were cut in half by that assault weapon. These cretins that peddle lies for capital gain, and infamy to only enrich themselves made me sick. I would never have shaken the hand of someone like him after all the bullshit he's been spewing. Those parents are far better than I.

Aug 04, 2022
Replying to

I completely agree, and yes... those parents are so much better than I. I would never have shaken that horrible man's hand. It's too bad he could not be prosecuted criminally, but if this civil case causes him to lose everything, that will, at least, be some justice.

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