Here is a video from Dr. Mandell about the benefits of freezing your bread. A couple of years ago, after seeing that I was only about 15 pounds away from 200, I freaked. The scale read 185 and for someone who is 5'3" tall, that's way too much weight to be carrying around. I've been thin most of my life, but after moving to Arizona, I slowly started putting on weight, and I was determined to lose that weight because I didn't like the way I looked, and of course I knew that the extra weight I was carrying wasn't healthy. My blood pressure was up, my cholesterol was too high, and overall, I just didn't feel good. My energy level was really low, and whenever I did anything physical, I would sweat profusely. After that morning when I stepped on the scale and saw 185, I stopped looking at the scale. Subconsciously, I was telling myself a lie, and that was that if I didn't see the extra pounds on the scale, somehow they didn't exists. Crazy, right? Well, shortly after I saw those 185 pounds on my bathroom scale, I decided it was time to get back to the weight I had been most of my life, and I decided that I wasn't going to diet, because diets just don't work... especially in the long run. Instead of dieting, I knew that I had to change my eating habits completely. More salads, more plant based foods, less processed foods, less snacks, and paying attention to why I was eating. Was I eating simply because it was dinner time? Was I eating to comfort myself, or was I eating simply because it tastes so good... my problem with things like donuts, and all sweets. I didn't consult any of those books on how to lose weight... I knew how to lose weight, and I knew that I just had to put in the time and effort and I would be successful. So I'm not completely sure just how long it took for me to lose that excess weight, but I'm guessing it was somewhere between six months to a year, but the result of my efforts was that I took off over 50 pounds, and today I'm only a few pounds over what I weighed when I was 18... and the best part... I've kept the weight off for over two years now. While I was in the process of losing that weight, I came across a video from Dr. Mandell, who presents simple to understand, and most often, easy to follow advice concerning all areas of health, and some of his videos did help me in reaching my desired weight, and so I thought I'd include a video of his in my blog, because the advice he offers is absolutely free of charge, unlike so many of those videos which start out by saying there are three foods you must never eat, which leads one to think "I need to hear this", especially if you're someone who, like me, cares about your health. Well... these videos always seem to be followed by another, really long video, extolling the benefits of a supplement that promises to take the weight off, keep it off and give you a healthy, care free life, all for the low price of $49.00 for one bottle, and a special price for those willing to buy a three month, or a six month supply. Dr. Mandel isn't that guy. There's no gimmick behind his videos... Dr. Mandell is just one man trying to change lives, one person at a time. So enjoy this video, and if you're in the market for great tips on becoming and staying healthy, then I say, make Dr. Mandell your go to guy. 🙏
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