About a month or two ago, I discovered this young Russian's You'Tube channel, and I'm so glad I did. I've always had a desire to travel to Russia, but as long as Russia has an authoritarian government, and especially as long as Vladimir Putin... the thug, thief, mass murder, murderer of so many innocents... as long as he is in power, I would never take a trip to Russia. What this young man has done for me is fortify the belief I've long held that the average Russian is no different than the average American, and sadly, from interviews this young Russian has done with some of his fellow Russians, it's obvious that just as it is here in the U.S. with Trump, there are Russians who adore their horrible leader, and believe his lies regarding Ukraine, in spite of the evidence of Putin's many war crimes, and in spite of the fact that he's stolen millions, perhaps billions from the Russian taxpayers, so that while they're suffering from the sanction imposed on Russia, Putin's living the luxurious life. After watching this video, I think you'll come to the same conclusions I have, that the average Russian has so much more in common with us than not. This young Russian YouTuber is very intelligent, and I'm sure you'll enjoy his videos.
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