I saw a news clip a while ago, where he was heckled at a rally, along with Paul Gosar… iI don’t remember who the 3rd person was… maybe MT Greene, and one of the talking heads said that Vance didn’t deserve that because he’s a Veteran… and I don’t know for certain, but I believe she said he was either decorated or a war hero, and therefore didn’t deserve the heckliBut the simple fact is that one can be a decorated veteran, and a war hero, and still be a jerk, and this video proves this to be so.
I know the MAGA crowd will love him. Nothing they love more than a War Hero… especially when he’s one of the flock.
John McCain was a decorated war hero of a different stripe. When he had the opportunity to be freed from prison in Viet Nam, he refused to leave unless his fellow soldiers were also set free.
I’m a lifelong progressive Democrat, but respect is given when respect is earned, and John McCain earned that respect, while he was in the military and later when at a rally a woman said that Barack Obama was’t an American, and instead of agreeing with the woman, instead he took the risk of losing her vote, and maybe a lot of votes, but he did the right thing.
Yesterday, we saw JD Vance do the absolute wrong thing. He may have been a hero when in Afghanistan, but he gave that all up so that he could become the newest member of the American FASCIST Party. You know, war is hell, and unless one is fighting against an enemy threatening their country and their life, as in the case of Ukraine, and their fight against a tyrant, a thief, and a murderer, Vlaimir Putin, then for me, it’s hard to think of a soldier whose killing others, because his or her country told them too, without questioning the reason, without refusing to participate in what might be genocide, then I would not consider a soldier in that particular situation a hero, but rather a victim. In fact, so many soldiers in this world have been the victims of someone like Putin… a man with tons of ambition and drive, but without an ounce of decency. Never has there been a dictator, someone who willingly attacks another country for no reason other than to dominate… never has such a person been worthy of the loyalty that demand of their subjects, and it’s guys like V.D. Janice who freighter me, because J.D. might be crazy, but he’s not stupid, and from where I sit, it looks very much like J.D. Vance has all the ingredients, all the personality traits, of someone who would become a dictator like Putin, or Hitler, or Kim Jung Un. All were men whose ambition colored their thinking, their integrity (if they ever had any), their ability to empathize with others, and in the end, it usually never ends well for them. It may appear that while they’re here on earth amongst us that they’re doing very well, because it’s true, dictators usually live in the lap of luxury while those around them suffer, but in the end… when it’s time to meet their maker… well, let’s just say, I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. I know there are those who don’t believe in a God, but I can’t help but wonder, do any of these men ever think about what happens when they die? What happens if they discover that no, you don’t only live once, and in fact, because you were so horrible in this life, you’re coming back to learn, to know some of the suffering you put on others? I’m a person who believes that we are all spirit, and eternal, and that yes… reincarnation is a fact, and while I don’t live my life worrying about having to come back here after I die to face the punishment brought on by my own actions (karma), I can’t help but wonder, would Vladimir Putin, or Donald Trump think twice about the things they’ve done if they knew that they’re going to have to come back, again and again, until they get it right. Until they come to know that love is the only thing that conquers their enemies… not domination. Well, that’s just me. Who knows, maybe this life is all we have, but I wouldn’t bet on it, because it just doesn’t make sense, and the one thing I see in this world, and the Universe is that everything makes sense. There is an intelligence behind everything, and it surely doesn’t make sense that an intelligence would create a world where life would last only for a blip on the radar when looked at in the light of eternity. So no… I don’t worry so much about whether or not I have to come back here, but I sure wish those in charge, or maybe I should say, those with all the power, worried about coming back, because if they did, maybe they wouldn’t be so hell bent on destroying the world so that for the 60, 70 or 80 years they’re here, they could live in luxury. Maybe if they, like me, believed that life isn’t just this one time here on earth… maybe they’d behave differently, or maybe they wouldn’t. I guess I’ll know how this generation of dictators left this world after I leave it… but unless they suddenly have a complete change of heart, of character, if I do come back here for another life… maybe by then, our country would resemble the United States that Marty McFly and Doctor Brown came back to, after taking a wrong turn coming back from the future. That would be horrible, and the ways things are going with so many right wing politicians now, that Back to the Future scene may very well become a reality before I die. It could happen, but I hope it won’t.
As for J.D. Vance… No, he’s no hero… not at all! 🙏