Steve Bannon, one of Trump's diehard loyalists, who was just found guilty on both charges of Criminal Contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with the January 6 Committee's subpoena, and refusing to supply documents requested by the Committee. Bannon, in my opinion, is a nobody, trying so desperately hard to be a somebody. That's what I said of him way back when on Facebook, and my opinion hasn't changed. This clown is all mouth, but apparently has little to nothing to back up all that came mouth leading up to his trial. Before his trial, he made all sorts of threats, like that he was going to go after Bill Barr for saying, when he testified before the Committee, that the claims about the election being stolen was "completely bogus", based in misinformation. Bannon responded angrily, saying that he would go after Barr legally. Bannon also made other outrageous claims before his trial, essentially threatening to make his trial an event for the ages, where he would wage war against the January 6 Committee, and called Adam Schiff, "Shifty Schiff". Bannon not only showed great disdain and disrespect for Adam Schiff, but he went after Pope Francis, another man Bannon could never emulate, because he has no moral compass, and his only credentials are his love of the worst man ever to sit in the Oval Office, and his crappy podcast. If Bannon were he not the idiot he is, he would recognize that Adam Schiff is intelligent, a true Patriot, charismatic, a man of impeccable integrity, and a man whose shoes Bannon could never walk in, because side by side, Adam Schiff is a giant of a man, while Bannon could only be described as a cancer on society. As for Bannon's threats, like Josh Hawley, when it came right down to it, during his trial, he sat silently, and did not take the stand. Now the jurors aren't supposed to hold Bannon's not taking the stand against him, but unless I'm mistaken, the fact that he did not is at least part of the reason he was found guilty on both counts. I know that if I had been on that jury, I would have wanted to hear what Bannon had to say in his own defense, but like Hawley, the only moments of outrage... the outrage he had threatened to release full force during the trial, didn't show up until Bannon was out of the court, because no doubt, he knew full well that had he carried out his threats during the trial, in addition to facing time in prison on the charges, he might also have been held in contempt, which could very well have had the effect of adding more time to whatever his sentence would turn out to be.
Bannon was the architect of the Muslim ban... participated in rallies where Democratic candidates for office were called evil, un-American, that led to an increase in violent threats against Democrats and Republicans who recognized Trump's big lie and publicly said "No... the election was not stolen", and Bannon is still supporting Trump, saying in one interview that if Trump wasn't re-elected, the country would be. Of course Bannon clings to Trump, because while he was indicted for a scheme to collect money for building Trump's wall, Trump pardoned him. So Bannon most definitely belongs in the Rogue's Galley, because he's earned that honor, again and again, but I want to see him behind bars, for at least the two years he faces from his latest trial, and I will always refer to Bannon as a nobody, trying so desperately to be somebody, because as I see things... that's exactly and precisely what and who he is.
Bannon should already be in jail. He is nothing more than a greedy opportunist.