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Joe Manchin The man who would destroy the planet for the almighty dollar...

Writer's picture: frankjarvie2frankjarvie2

A man without a conscience...

For my first post in this category, I had planned all along to put Trump's photo first, but then this past week, Manchin got another distinction, you know, besides the one where he claims to be a Democrat, but acts like a Republican... a Trump Republican, and that distinction is that because of him, according to an article in the New York Times by Carol Davenport and Lisa Friedman, Manchin is the one Senator who "Doomed the Democrats Climate Plan". According to the New York Times article, "Manchin took more campaign cash from the oil and gas industry than any other Senator, and who became a millionaire from his family coal business." Let's face it, Manchin has been determined from day one to stop anything that Joe Biden has tried to do to help the people of this country, and the planet. After back and forth negotiations with Manchin, he announced that he would not support the major climate provision, a key part of President Biden's agenda. No surprise there. Manchin makes demands, and when those demands are met, Manchin puts up new roadblocks. It's his playbook... he has no intention, apparently, of doing anything for the people of West Virginia, for the country, or for the planet. After Manchin's announcement, Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts tweeted "Rage keeps me from tears." I understand. I feel that rage too, and honestly, I've been feeling that rage when it comes to Manchin for way too long. I can only hope the good people of West Virginia vote this airbag out of office.

New Mexico's Democratic Senator Martin Heinridh tweeted "We have an opportunity to address the climate crisis right now. Senator Manchin's refusal to act is infuriating. It makes me question why he's Chair of the ENR (Energy and Natural Resources) Committee, and the one defining statement about Manchin, on this issue came from John Pedesta, who said "It seems odd that Manchin would choose as his legacy to be the one man who single-handedly doomed humanity...". Well, it doesn't seem odd to me at all, because Manchin has proven to me that he is the worst of the worst, and fully deserving of being the first truly bad guy to appear here in the Rogues' Gallery.

Manchin has proven again and again that his life is all about getting rich, and if he does so on the backs of the people he's supposed to serve, he has no problem with that. He truly is a despicable individual, and if there were any justice in this world, he would be serving time not in the Senate, but behind bars where he would be amongst his own kind... liars, crooks, and traitors.


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