I've said this in another post, but for those who haven't seen that other post, I don't get most of my news from mainstream media, not so much because I believe they present "fake" news, but rather because I don't trust them to fully cover important stories, and because too many times I've seen them spin the news to please what I can only presume must be the higher ups in the company, or perhaps their sponsors. This video comes from Meidas Touch, a network started by three brothers. I discovered their YouTube channel some time ago, and I've just been so very impressed with them. This video is particularly appealing to me because it deals with one of the worst of the worst in Congress, Matt Gaetz. The video shows Gaetz running away from a not so friendly crowd. The Meidas Touch brother narrating this video mentions only Gaetz running from the crowd, but if you pay close attention, you'll also notice that other big mouth with nothing to say, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is also on the run. There's nothing I like better than to see these idiots who Meidas Touch rightly describes as Fascists running from an unfriendly crowd, and I've got a feeling these kinds of crowds for Gaetz, Greene, and others like them are only going to get bigger and bigger as we approach the mid-terms. 🙏