This court has absolutely no validity, and I’m sorry to have to say this, but the fact that Biden won’t even consider expanding the court by adding four liberal justices just pisses me off, and makes me want to see someone other than Biden running in 2024… someone who isn’t afraid to grab the bull by the horns, and get the damn job done… someone like Bernie Sanders.
I know a lot of Democratic folks don’t want to hear a disparaging word about Biden, but there is a reason his poll numbers are so low, and here’s a few reasons why…
• Refuses to cancel ALL student debt. Apparently, he thinks it’s ok that America’s graduating students are deep in debt BEFORE they’ve even gone to work. Was he deep in debt when he graduated college? I doubt it.
• He refuses even to consider expanding the SCOTUS in order to save the country. What’s his reasoning? Well, if he does that, when the Republicans are in power, what’s to prevent them from doing the same thing?
I’ll tell you what will prevent them from doing the same thing, and that is for the Democrats to do THEIR damn job so that Americans won’t want the Republicans in charge.
• When he was running for office, Biden promised to raise Social Security by $200 monthly… now that he’s President… crickets.
• When he was running for office, he said he would make Saudi Arabia a pariah nation over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Now that he’s President, what did he do? I don’t have to tell you do I? He went to that oil rich nation, hat in hand, met with the man who ordered the murder, had that famous fist bump, and what’s been the results? I don’t know… I’m still paying almost five dollars for a gallon of gas.
• Have you heard about the brilliant plan those in power, like Nancy Pelosi, put together in order to ensure Democrats win in the mid-terms? Well, it goes something like this… spend millions of dollars promoting the most radical MAGA candidates, hoping that it will make people vote for Democrats. I’m no political genius, but to me, this plan sound absolutely moronic, and by the way, I’m no fan of Pelosi. When she was asked whether or not there should be a law banning members of Congress from playing the stock market… you know, because they’re privy to information the rest of us are not, giving them an unfair advantage, good old Nancy didn’t hesitate a second to say “No”. Of course she said no… she’s a millionaire and how did she become a millionaire? Well, she and her hubby made a small fortune… wait for it… by playing the market. If it sounds as though I've lost confidence in President Biden and the Democratic establishment, it's because I have. You may disagree with what I write here, and that's ok, you can post your own comments below, just be sure to keep your comments respectful. I've had folks on Facebook unfriend me because I dared to say something about President Biden that wasn't exactly glowing, but the purpose of this blog is so that I can speak truth to power, and I have no intention of writing here only things that I believe will make everybody happy. Your comments are welcome. 🙏