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Trouble at the Supreme Court

Writer's picture: frankjarvie2frankjarvie2

The man who likes beer...

A man was arrested for threatening the life of Brett Kavanaugh… you remember him… the “I like beer” clown.

So what does it say when someone threatens a Supreme Court Justice? Well, I think it says a whole lot more about the Supreme Court than it does about the man who wanted to end this guy’s life.

Here’s the simple truth. The Supreme Court, like the country, is packed with Justices like Kavanaugh, who are in the absolute minority when it comes to what the American people want.

A young women in Washington state, when the riots were going on there, and asked about the violence, stated the following:

“I’m not going to tell others how they should demonstrate.”, and went on to say the following, which if you think about it, was a very profound statement:

She said “Violence is the voice of the unheard”, and let’s be real here, American voices all over this country are NOT heard by this court. They’re not heard by the Republicans in Congress. They’re not heard by Republican politicians all over this country.

The vast majority of Americans do NOT want Roe v. Wade overturned, and yet, this court of extreme right wingers are poised to do just that.

The vast majority of Americans do NOT want to see any more killing of their children, but the voices in the minority in Congress apparently DO want children to keep being murdered in cold blood , just as long as they can stay in power, and fatten their bank accounts with dirty money.

The voices of the majority are NOT being heard, and so when one becomes so angry that he decides it’s time to murder a Supreme Court justice, it isn’t so much a problem with that one man… it’s a problem with our country… our so-called Democracy… and why do I say so-called Democracy?

I say that because by all appearances, our Democracy is NO MORE. It’s no more because a Democracy, by definition, is a country where MAJORITY rules, and in this country, the majority has not ruled for a very long time.

The Supreme Court represents the MINORITY of Americans, the MINORITY interests in this country. They represent the extremists, the wealthy, and of course, themselves.

The Republicans, even though they are in the MINORITY in Congress, like the Supreme Court, they too represent the MINORITY of Americans, the extremists, the wealthy who fund them with dark money, and of course, themselves.

So while mainstream media tells us that our Democracy is under threat… I say the threat is passed. THEY… the minority rule, and if that doesn’t tell you that our Democracy is dead, nothing will.

So yes… We the People… the vast majority of Americans are NOT heard, and when one man takes it upon himself to do something about it, then you can bet that that man will be prosecuted to the fullest… the Supreme Court will get even more protection, but the school children of this country will NOT, because guess who else is in charge in this country. That corrupt, evil, organization the NRA, and let’s not forget about the merchants of war, who should actually be called the merchants of death, because they don’t care who the victims of their manufacturing are… just as long as THEY can fatten their bank accounts.

Our Democracy, at this point is DOA… dead on arrival.

What are we going to do about it? I’m just one voice, and I’ve been talking about these matters for a long time now, but what do I see? I see a country that STILL isn’t angry enough to shout from the mountain tops… THIS HAS TO END.

Come November We the People will have a chance to do something with our ballots… BUT… if we do not, if EVERY single eligible voter, young and old, Democrat, Republican and Independent do NOT cast their vote, and end this cabal of thieves, thugs, murderers, and killers of everything good about America, then mark my words, it will be game over.

In the meantime… do your part. Make your voice heard. Whatever it takes. If you can afford to… give as much money as you can afford to Democratic candidates looking to unseat this unholy, hypocritical, evil, self serving Republicans in Congress.

Demand that President Biden take whatever steps are necessary to add four liberal justices to the Supreme Court… that he do everything he can to fire Louis DeJoy, to see that Trump and EVERY ONE of his co-conspirators see themselves behind bars for a very long time, and tell your representatives in Congress to do whatever it takes to pull the licenses of American Propaganda Outlets like Fox News, NewsMax, OAN, because unless they stop the propaganda outlets NOW… it will most assuredly be GAME OVER.

Now is not the time for complacency… if you… if we… do nothing, then we all might as well dig a hole, climb into it, and pull the dirt over us.

WAKE UP AMERICA. The wolves are at the gates.



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