So on Friday, Trump held another one of his crazy rallies in Prescott Valley, Arizona, about fifteen miles from where I live. Days before the rally, street shops like the one at the right started appearing all over, and those of us who haven't fallen in love with the traitor that is Trump found ourselves disgusted at seeing these purveyors of junk... traitorous junk, and many, including me, made their voices heard about this before the rally on Friday. The following was my response to these stands, hawking Trump's junk. Isn’t it the most absurd thing that this crap is even allowed to be sold. They can because they’ll scream “Freedom of Speech… First Amendment… I can sell my messages of hate, because this is America, and that means I can say anything at all, no matter if it’s no more than a lie, or a threat, these idiots believe they have the right to declare war, kill people, all in the name of Donald Stupid Trump.
I’ve alway known Trump was an idiot, but what is it that this idiot has that millions seem to want? Really? Are they brain dead. All those Zombie movies… maybe that’s real, and they’re all just waiting to get the rest of us out in the pumpkin patch, or into the corn field. If there is an apocalypse coming, I’m certain all of Trump’s MAGA folk will turn into those flesh-eating Zombies that seem to be everywhere in Hollywood these days.
It’s difficult for us intelligent, hard working, honest folks… people who believe in science and facts… it’s so very difficult to understand the reverse side of this… the MAGA Group. Not highly educated, highly susceptible to conspiracy theories and lies, and with not a scintilla of evidence showing Trump to be a normal, honest, upright citizen, he’s their God. And he despises them. You can’t make this shit up.
Trump’s a walking crime spree, a thug, what they used to call anyone like Trump in my father’s time, an empty suit. They would have called Trump, because that’s exactly what he is… a con man, an empty suit, a liar with nothing but air to sell, and for a while, he was King of the Hill in New York real estate. Now who is he? A sad, diaper wearing man who had his 15 minutes of fame and just wouldn’t let go when the time came, because he decided, he’s nothing if he’s not President of the United States.
He never wanted the job… he just wanted the fantasy he imagined he would have once he became President, and after he started stinking up the Oval Office, he demanded whatever he wanted, and as President, I am absolutely certain what he wanted more than anything else was the prestige. It’s always been about prestige to Trump. Expensive suite, gold plated bathroom fixtures, toilet and all. Trump was a walking fashion statement, and a lot of people bought it. They wanted it to, and they thought they’d get it by getting on his show, The Apprentice, which was just another lie... a scam.
It was all a scam. The majority of us know the simple truth about one Donald John Trump and that is that he is not just a common thug, he’s a living, breathing, walking, talking American Traitor, and will go down in history as the 21st Centuries version of Benedict Arnold. Trump never once thought about anything else while he was in office, or since then, except how he could scam more money out of those sad followers, who worship him, as he verbally shits all over them. Isn’t it sad. I'm going to make a bold prediction, and that is that Trump will not be running to become President once again in 2024, because I am absolutely convinced that he will have already been indicted, prosecuted, and sentenced to prison. But... don't let that allow you to sit back and relax, because there are plenty of Trump wannabe's who are more than willing to throw their hat in the ring, including the likes of Ron DeSantis, who as I see it, is just another Trump. He's proven to be ignorant, intolerant, homophobic, and one of the worst Governors ever, and he's not alone in showing interest in the office. Bobby Jindell, former Governor of Louisiana, and Nikki Haley, former Governor of South Carolina who just can't seem to make up her mind about whether Trump is a bad guy, or a hero. Haley, like that wind sock you see at airports, changes her opinion according to which way the political winds are blowing, and America doesn't deserve either her or Lindell in the most powerful job in the world. So come November, we need to have a big blue wave... a blue tsunami, so that we well have the office of the President, the House and the Senate firmly in Democrat hands, because anything else just is not acceptable. The fascists are trying to take over the country, and the only way they'll be successful is if We the People let them. So we all have to do our part in spreading the words, and encouraging every eligible vote do their duty and vote. It's been said in previous elections, but it's never been true in the upcoming mid-terms and the 2024 elections... Vote as if your life depends on it... because it does. 🙏